Monday, August 26, 2013

Relay the Message: Fight Cancer


Back a littler earlier from summer break.  I want to talk about someone a greatly respect in the RPG scene.  His name is Chris Chinn.  If you have never followed the Deeper in the Game blog, you need to start.  It is, IMHO, the best RPG blog on the Internet.  I think it's better than mine or Vincent's or anybody's.

A few months ago, Chris was diagnosed with a rare cancer.  The good news is, it's curable!  That bad news is, it will keep him out of work and no doubt cost a fortune to cure.  When I read the news about his cancer on his blog, I wanted to help, but I didn't know how.  Thankfully, Chris provided an opportunity.  He started a You Caring drive where anyone can donate to help him.  I just discovered it, and it only has a scant 5 days left.  So I'm definitely going to do that.  But I wanted to give him a signal boost on my blog.

This is a great opportunity to help beat cancer (a disease that's taken several of my family members, and probably some of yours too I would imagine).  If you can lend Chris a hand, I'm sure he would appreciate it.



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